You Might Be a Hero (and Other Helpful Perspectives) - Episode 8

We have all developed stories to make sense of our experiences.  Some of those stories make us feel better and some do not. 

This episode discusses how you can change your story by exploring alternative perspectives.  Specifically, I discuss the concept of archetypes and how they can help us make sense of our journeys

You may choose to explore more information about Carl Jung’s archetypes in general or the archetype of the hero specifically.  The TED radio hour published a very interesting podcast episode about Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey

I discussed Harry Potter as an example of the hero archetype.  If you have not read the books or seen the movies and intend to, you can skip that section by fast forwarding from 13:13 to 14:19. 

Applying the hero archetype to my experiences has helped me to heal from the difficulties that I encountered in my early life and feel empowered about my future.   

Take Action:  Identify your self-limiting beliefs and journal about them.  Select one of the beliefs and consider if there is an alternative way of looking at the same situation.  You may choose to apply an archetype or use other tools to change your perspective including thinking about what you would tell a friend who had the same problem. 

Wishing you peace and love!